Get inspired by the weird and wonderful world of work.

If you follow a path in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths the possibilities are endless. Wherever you end up, we promise it won’t be boring!

Research and Development

You’ll soon find out that Cleo has the craziest job title. But the best thing about her job is that it helps animals too.

Meet Cleo

Marine Surveying

How do we know what’s lurking down deep under the sea in the mysterious depths? Stuart does, he’s helping boats and submarines navigate safely around the world.

Meet Stuart

Healthcare Science

How do you fight the tiniest of molecules to prevent disease? If you’re Cate, you grab an aga plate, microscope and a scientific brain (preferably yours).

Meet Cate


Road tripping is great fun, but the route you’re is the result of careful planning, design and supervision by people like India. Her expertise keeps us all travelling in the right direction.

Meet India

Design and IT

If you’d like to design webpages like this one, Reece can point you in the right direction. He fuses IT and design to make it all click.
Meet Reece

Network Engineering

Tinkering around with technology is fine by Tom, it even helped him land his dream job. So who said messing around with games consoles could be bad for you?

Meet Tom

Telecommunications engineer

It’s great to take things apart, even better if you can put them back together again. But can you top what they were in the first place? Jonathan can.

Meet Jonathan

TV Producer

The show will go on if Rem is producing. He uses a dazzling range of skillsets to keep us entertained. Catch him as, for once, he’s telling his own story.

Meet Rem

Broadcast Engineer

It’s not just the strikers who are stars of the big match. It’s the techies who bring it to your screen like Jahangir. Who uses knowledge under pressure so we get to see every goal.

Meet Jahangir

IT and Innovation

James has a fascination with IT and learning that keeps him building new worlds. He did a degree, then got another, oh and another one after that.

Meet James

Civil and Structural Engineer

Don’t let your STEM career go loop the loop. Well unless it’s designing rollercoasters for a living. Then you’ll have thrills galore.

Meet Michelle
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